Updating Endevor "System Definition" through a batch job
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Updating Endevor "System Definition" through a batch job


Article ID: 269386


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Usually update the Endevor "System Definition" through the panel

.    -------------------- SYSTEM DEFINITION -------------------------------- .
.                                                                                  .   
.  CURRENT ENV:  ENV1            NEXT    ENV:  ENV2                         .  
.  SYSTEM:       SYS1           NEXT SYSTEM ===> SYS1                        .  
.  TITLE =====> SYSTEM 1                        .  
.  UPDATED:      13JUN22 08:48    BY USERID1 .  
.  GENERAL OPTIONS:                                                                .   
.    COMMENT ===> Y (Y/N)      CCID ===> Y (Y/N) REQ ELM JUMP ACK ===> Y (Y/N)     .   
.  AUTO AGE LEVEL RETENTION OPTIONS:                                               .   
.    ELEMENT    ===> N (Y/N)     RETAIN LVLS FOR ===> 0   MONTHS                   .   
.    COMPONENT  ===> N (Y/N)     RETAIN LVLS FOR ===> 0   MONTHS                   .   
.  ELEMENT REGISTRATION CHECK OPTIONS:                                             .   
.    DUP ELEMENT NAME  ===> N (Y/N)                         MSG LVL ===>   (W/C/E) .   
.    DUP PROC O/P TYP  ===> N (Y/N) ACROSS SBS ===> N (Y/N) MSG LVL ===>   (W/C/E) .   
.  SIGN-IN/SIGN-OUT OPTIONS:                                                       .   
.    ACTIVATE OPTION      ===> Y (Y/N)                                             .   
.    VALIDATE DATA SET    ===> N (Y/N)                                             .   
.  PROCESSOR TRANSLATION OUTPUT LIBRARIES:                                         .   
.    STAGE 1 LOAD LIBRARY ===> YOUR.ENDEVOR.PRCSLOAD                          .  
.    STAGE 1 LIST LIBRARY ===>                                                 .  
.    STAGE 2 LOAD LIBRARY ===> YOUR.ENDEVOR.PRCSLOAD                        .  
.    STAGE 2 LIST LIBRARY ===>                                                     .   

Can it also be done through a batch job?
For example,  to alter the Processor translation output libraries of a system, can it be done through a batch job?


All supported releases 


Changing the System Definition parameters like 'PROCESSOR TRANSLATION OUTPUT LIBRARIES' is possible by using the Batch Environment Administration facility (Batch Admin) to execute SCL statements for those parameters. Here are some relevant doc. pages under the section "SCL Reference":

Manage Environments in Batch (Batch Admin)

Manage Environments in Batch (Batch Admin) > Create SCL for Environment Objects
That page has a DEFINE SYSTEM syntax example including the STAGE ONE and TWO Processor Load and List libraries.

Manage Environments in Batch (Batch Admin) > Execute or Validate Batch Admin SCL

Manage Environments in Batch (Batch Admin) > Define Statements > Define System Syntax
That page also references the STAGE ONE and TWO Processor Load and List libraries.

Additional Information

  • The batch administration utility ENBE1000 may be used to create, update or delete the definition of any inventory structure other than environments and stages (which are defined in the C1DEFLTS table). 
    • It is a very convenient alternative to the panels, for example, when there are many updates to do.
  • Member ENBE1000 in the CSIQJCL library is a sample JCL.
  • The DEFINE SYSTEM statement is the one to be used to create or update a system definition.
    • The statement creates or updates the system definition depending on whether it is already found in the MCF file.
    • When the system is already defined, only the items specified in the DEFINE statement are updated.
  • Another interesting use of the utility are the BUILD SCL FOR ... statements.
    • They extract the definitions of structures creating SCL statements suitable to be processed by the ENBE1000 utility.
    • They may be used, for example, to port the definitions from one 'Endevor' to another, to perform mass changes, (by editing the statements) or simply be kept for reference.