We have removed a UIM Connector from the SOI Administration Web page. We have then restarted the Catalyst Container Service on the UIM Connector Server and the UIM Connector is again added to SOI. We have removed the UIM connector from the startup.properties file in the Catalyst Container:
This does not prevent the UIM connector is readded to SOI after Catalyst Service restart. Is there any Parameter like state=disabled or state=removed in IFW for Catalyst connectors?
SOI 4.2 CU4
UIM Connector 3.9,4
Steps to set UIM connector to Disabled:
1) Open file C:\CA\Catalyst\CatalystConnector\registry\topology\physical\<Hostname>_CatalystConnector\modules\configuration\Nimsoftconnector.conf
2) Search for text "</ModuleProperties>" in the above file
3) Add the following property <property name="SOIState" value="Disabled"/> anywhere between <ModuleProperties> and </ModuleProperties> tags
4) Restart the Catalyst Container service