Generic errors displayed while navigating the console
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Generic errors displayed while navigating the console


Article ID: 269341


Updated On:


Information Centric Analytics


When a user logs in to the Information Centric Analytics (ICA) console using credentials that differ from those used to login to Windows, a generic error message is displayed on some or all pages. The page content still loads, and refreshing the page may clear the error message. These errors may be intermittently or regularly displayed, and may occur differently for different users. The ActivityLog table in the RiskFabric database will contain entries similar to the following:

<domain>\<account-a> Windows successfully logged in
5/3/23 16:10
<domain>\<account-b> Windows unauthorized
5/3/23 16:10

Corresponding errors can be found in the application log (w3wp_RiskFabric.<yyyyMMdd>.log):

2023-05-03 16:10:43,906 [13:ERROR] LoggingExceptionFilterAttribute.OnException() https://<hostname>/api/WidgetAgingView/GetSectionData
RiskFabric.Web.Library.Users.PortalUserUnauthorizedException: INVALID USER


Release : 6.x

Component : Microsoft Internet Information Services


The reported behavior is caused by an issue in Chromium-based browsers (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge).


As a workaround, apply .NET Authorization rules on the IIS server by following this procedure:

  1. Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
  2. Navigate to the RiskFabric site
  3. Under the ASP.NET heading, double-click .NET Authorization Rules
  4. Under Actions click Add Deny Rule...
    The Add Deny Authorization Rule window will open
  5. Select the radio button next to Specified users
  6. Enter the non-ICA credentials of the user(s) affected by this issue, separated by a comma
  7. Click the OK button to close the Add Deny Authorization Rule window and save the settings change
  8. Go to Application Pools
  9. Right-click RiskFabricAppPool and select Recycle