SLA: Recalculate days more than one month old on UIM 20.4
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SLA: Recalculate days more than one month old on UIM 20.4


Article ID: 269318


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


Since upgrading to UIM 20.4 (from 20.3), when recalculating Daily SLAs in order to create historic data, only 30 entries of periods are offered. 

When this is a daily SLA, it is possible to get historic data only 30 days back (FIXED REPORT) 

Using "custom report" and selecting calculate historic data does not change the result of the "History" report either.


In UIM 20.3.x, when recalculating daily SLAs it was possible to select daily periods that went far behind the current limit which seems to be of 30 Days.


The issue is reproduced inhouse on UIM 20.4CU7/CU6


Release : UIM 20.4 CU5, CU6, CU7


Defect in webapp


The Issue is fixed in UIM 20.4 CU9

DX Unified Infrastructure Management - Cumulative Updates & Patches