Email notification set up in Process Steps not received
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Email notification set up in Process Steps not received


Article ID: 269257


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


Email Notifications are not being sent to users when in a process step

  1. Go to Administration>>Processes
  2. Create a new process
  3. No associated objects
  4. Click Steps tab
  5. Create new step
  6. Under Actions click New
  7. Select Run Job>>Next
  8. Select Clean User Session job>>Next
  9. Enter Action Name and ID
  10. Under Notifications Select 'When step action is performed'
  11. Send Notification to - SNGroup
  12. Save and Return
  13. Under 'Then go to' slect Finish
  14. Save and Return
  15. Click on Validation
  16. Click Validate All and Activate
  17. Go to Home>>Organizer>>Processes
  18. On the drop-down arrow select Available
  19. Check the process you created
  20. Click Start

Expected results - Receive email notification that the step action has been performed.

Actual Results - Do not receive any email.

Error in bg-ca.log
ERROR 2023-07-05 13:01:54,434 [pool-6-thread-18] notification.NotificationMessageService (clarity:unknown:-1:none) Error occurred trying to localize message


Release : 16.1.1, 16.1.2




Fixed in 16.1.3