We are upgrading Vision Builder r15.0 with current PTFs and our Builder is failing with this abend. We updated all current published PTFs from the website.
No Vision Builder job will run, all jobs fail.
MARKIV ABEND=S000 U0010 REASON=00000000
abend after PTF SO01841.
Release : 15.0
PTF SO01841 replaces M4PARAMS with new RSM options rather than zaps.
The documentation for the PTF should be followed explicitly.
When the new M4PARAMS have not been assembled into the new BLSYSL. (PTF SO01841)
The old options do not match the new code , the job will fail with the S0C4, MARKIV ABEND=S000 U0010 REASON=00000000
Steps 4 and 4 of PTF SO01841 should always be followed.
4) To turn on any RSM fix, edit the M4PARAMS member following the instructions pertaining to the RSM.
Also, any other M4PARAMS parameters previously set, which differs from the default, must be reset.
Then go to hlq.JCLCNTL(BLXASM#1) and run the job.
5) If you coded and linked your own M4OWN program to the MARKIV module, you will need to run the BLXRLK#1 job in the JCLCNTL library.
Keep this statement in mind also:
Various ABENDs or erroneous results occur because of the missing RSMs