UIM hub Ldap Configuration: template:=/ldap/templates/Active Directory missing in file
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UIM hub Ldap Configuration: template:=/ldap/templates/Active Directory missing in file


Article ID: 269198


Updated On:


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


After putting in the AD server name/IP address, we cannot log into the AD server.

We have verified that the user account that is used to query the LDAP is correct, but it is refusing to connect.


LDAP Test:  Login Failed. Check login name and Credentials


The hub is even able to lookup thhe Group container (DN) and User Container (DN) but it cannot connect. 


The hub logs the following: 

Jun 30 12:22:38:958 [7768] 0 hub: ldap_server_login - failed for 10.x.x.x.10: (nld_init) template:=/ldap/templates/Active Directory missing in file:=hub.cfg (4)



What could be the reason? 


Release : UIM 20.4


If receiving the error: 

template:=/ldap/templates/Active Directory missing in file:=hub.cfg (4)

as the error indicates, the hub.cfg is missing the LDAP Template section that is required to connect to the LDAP Server. 


If the entire section is missing the hub still works fine, except you cannot set up LDAP:

The reason for missing this section could be either hub.cfg corruption, or manual deletion of the entire Section.

Below is a screenshot of the section how it should look like in a working environment, in raw configure:


Redeploy the same version of the hub. 

The hub redeployment will rebuild the <ldap> section in the hub.cfg file and after this you should be able to set the integration with your LDAP Server

Additional Information

Enable Login with LDAP (broadcom.com)