We have created a new LDAP user with operator role as similar to other users, who can view the UVC Job run summary etc.
The newly created user is able to login to UVC not able to see job runs for any node.
Release : 6.10
Component: Dollar Universe
The jobs are not shown to this new user, because the nodes is not synchronized and doesn't have the user details for newly created user.
The below steps can be followed to synchronize the node
1: Select any one node where newly created user unable to view the Job Runs
2: Login to the node server and load environment i.e. $NODE_INSTALL_DIR\unienv
3: Run the command to capture login/groups details available with node $NODE_INSTALL_DIR\bin\lstproxy >before_sync.txt
4: In the above file check if the newly created user detail is available, please check for any mismatch or case sensitive characters
5: In the UVC, identify node, double-click and perform full synchronization of the node
6: Once the node synchronization is completed go to the node server and run the command, $NODE_INSTALL_DIR\bin\lstproxy > after_sync.txt
7: Login to UVC as new user and list Job Runs for the specific node where full synchronization is performed. The user should be able to view the Job runs for this node.
Perform a full synchronization of all Nodes or wait until it is automatically performed and Objects will now be visible as expected.