SymDiag reports an older version of Symantec DLP even though it's been upgraded
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SymDiag reports an older version of Symantec DLP even though it's been upgraded


Article ID: 269191


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention Data Loss Prevention Enforce


When using the SymDiag you observed that the DLP version reported in the tool is older than the version currently running on the server. This can happen when the server in question has been upgraded from an older version and the old version still remains installed.

The screenshot below present an example scenario where there Enforce server is already running at 16.0 MP2, but the SymDiag tool returns 15.8. The version returned by the tool is the original version of the server, so prior to the upgrade to 16.0.


15.8 or higher


Old version remains installed on the server after the upgrade. 


Uninstallation of older versions of DLP from the server is not done automatically with the upgrade procedure. To resolve the SymDiag issue it is necessary to delete the older version which is detected by the tool.

The remove the old version of DLP from the server the standard Windows feature "Add or Remove Features" can be used. 

1. Open the "Add or Remove Features" on the server, here Enforce as an example.

2. Search for Symantec Data Loss Prevention and locate the old version of DLP to be uninstalled

3. Click on the old version and hit "Uninstall"

For more details on uninstalling the product, including a silent option, refer to the document linked below:

Uninstalling a server from a Windows system (


4. After the uninstallation is done launch the SymDiag tool again. The version should now be properly reported.