Quick Create button missing when using Instance Rights
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Quick Create button missing when using Instance Rights


Article ID: 269176


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


The Quick Create (+) button does not appear in Status Reports and subobjects when the user has Instance Rights.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create a subobject of the Project object.
  2. Grant a user the following Global Rights:
    Projects - Navigate
  3. Grant the same user the following Instance Rights for one Project instance:
    Project - Edit Management
    Project - * - Status Report
    Project - * - [subobject]
  4. Edit a Blueprint to include the Status Report and [subobject] modules.
  5. For the [subobject] module, ensure that 'Enable Quick Create' and 'Enable Create Dialog' options are enabled.
  6. Publish the Blueprint.
  7. Log in with the user from Steps 2 and 3.
  8. Open a project that uses that blueprint, and navigate to Status Report and [suboject] modules.

Expected Results: Quick Create button is displayed in Grid View for both Status Report and [subobject] modules. Enable Create Dialog is shown in the [subobject].

Actual Results: Quick Create button is briefly displayed but it disappears from both Status Report and [subobject]. Enable Create Dialog is shown in the [subobject].


Release : 16.1.2


For the Status Reports quick create icon: This is working is as per current design.

The user always shown Quick Create button irrespective of instance level permission user HAVE/NOT HAVE. The feature of checking instance level rights of Status and showing/hiding a quick add button in MUX GRID is not implemented in version 16.1.2.



For the [subobject] quick create icon: This issue has been addressed as part of the work done for DE70217 in Clarity 16.1.3 and 16.1.2 patch #1 for newly assigned rights. For existing rights assigned before this patch, check  Existing Instance rights not showing Quick Create after upgrade.




  • Workaround 1
    1. Have the user with instance level right to create Status Report.
    2. In the project blueprints Status Module, Toggle the Enable Quick Create, Enable Create Dialogue ON. See the attached screen shot (also notice its the "Status" module and NOT "Status Reports" module)

    3. This will enable the projects with the configured blueprint to have a Button to create status reports in the grid (see the screenshot) and an instance can be created through a dialogue


  • Workaround 2: Assign Global rights for creation (e.g.: [subproject] - Create, Status Report - Create]).