What log data can I review to determine if I have a memory leak with a probe in UIM
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What log data can I review to determine if I have a memory leak with a probe in UIM


Article ID: 269132


Updated On:


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


Example to collect data for understanding of possible memory leak with an executable based probe in UIM.


Release: Any


Start --> Administrative Tools --> Performance Monitor

Expand "Data Collector Sets" and right-click on "User Defined"

Click New --> Data Collector Set


Name the data collector set, for example: "Logmon" and leave the selected option "Create from a template..." and click Next

Select "Basic" and click Next

Select the directory where the data will be saved and click Next

Select "Open properties for this data collector set" and click Finish

Click the tab "Stop Condition", uncheck "Overall duration" and check "Stop when all data collectors have finished"

Click OK

Now you are back to the Performance Monitor screen, click on the data collector set you created (Logmon)

Right click “Kernel Trace” and select to delete

Double click on "Performance Counter"

Under the Performance counters list, remove the counters.

Click Add..

In the top list expand Process select Handle Count > in instances select logmon > click Add


Set the sample interval to 1 minute and maximum samples to 86400 (24 hours)

Click Apply


Click OK to close the Performance Counter Properties Window

Right-click on the"Logmon" data collector on the left pane and select start

This is what it looks like when running:

Once the 24 period is completed, collect the files that are located in the directory that was specified for output and post them to the case for review.