Case sensitive issue with Endevor Comment field
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Case sensitive issue with Endevor Comment field


Article ID: 269131


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The Comment field contains the Element name and when performing add/update/generate actions, the processor creates the bind cards. The Comment field must to be in uppercase for validation purposes.

Is there any option within Endevor so all Comments are converted to uppercase?



Release : All supported versions


The C1DEFLTS  MIXEDFMT keyword determines whether Endevor accepts mixed-case entries in CCID, COMMENT, and DESCRIPTION fields or will convert them to upper case.

If the Comment field is now accepting mixed case and must be upper cased, remove COMMENT from the C1DEFLTS MIXEDFMT keyword.

For example,  if   MIXEDFMT=(ALL) 
change it to         MIXEDFMT=(CCID,DESCRIPTION)


      Determines whether Endevor accepts mixed-case entries in CCID, COMMENT, and DESCRIPTION fields.   Values are:

CCID                     Accept mixed case in CCID fields.

COMMENT           Accept mixed-case in COMMENT fields.

DESCRIPTION     Accept mixed-case in DESCRIPTION fields.

ALL                       Accept mixed-case in all three fields.

NONE                   Do not accept mixed-case in any field.