RC/Browse does not display output like SPUFI for VARGRAPHIC column
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RC/Browse does not display output like SPUFI for VARGRAPHIC column


Article ID: 269122


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Test scenario:


   CREATE TABLE PTI.LOGTEST                                             
       (LOG_NAME VARGRAPHIC(70)                                         
                                                       NOT NULL         
 WITH DEFAULT                                                           
       IN PTDB.ALOGFIL2                                                 
  APPEND NO                                                             
  NOT VOLATILE CARDINALITY                                              
  DATA CAPTURE NONE                                                     
  AUDIT NONE                                                            
  CCSID UNICODE;                                                        


Using SPUFI inserted:

  insert into pti.logtest                                        
  values ( 'exclamation mark  !   split or ¦   logical or |');   
  insert into pti.logtest                                        
  values ( ' !    ¦    |');                                      

3) In RC/Query for Db2 for z/OS (RCQ) table list Browse:

RQTL   20.0   --------------- RC/Q Table List --------------- 08-06-23   20:5
COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR
 DB2 Object ===> T                       Option  ===> L    Where => N        
 Table Name ===> LOGT%                 > Creator ===> *                      
  Qualifier ===> *                     > N/A     ===> *                      
Loc: LOCAL ---------- SSID: DPO3 ----------XXXXXXX -          LINE 1 OF 1    
browse__ LOGTEST            PTI      PTDB     ALOGFIL2       1             N/

4) The result:

For Table   => PTI.LOGTEST                     > Row number=> 1 OF 3         
Browse Mode => C                                 Max Char  => 070            
SSID: DPO3 ----------FETCH STATUS: COMPLETE-------------------------- XXXXXXX
      exclamation mark  .   split or ¦                                       
       .    ¦    !                                                           


Issue #1 -- note that in the result set for row #1 there seems to be a truncation the text "logical or" is missing.

Issue #2 --- there seems to be a CCSID issue.    in row#2   the char "!" seems to be "." and the char "|" seems to be "!".

6) When displaying in SPUFI the output seems correct.

SELECT *                                                     
  FROM PTI.LOGTEST                                           
exclamation mark  !   split or ¦   logical or |              
 !    ¦    |      

Why RC/Browse does not display output like SPUFI?



Character presentation depends on what encoding scheme is used for a plan and terminal
during DML operation. If both are same then character will be displayed as it was inserted.
If it differs then certain character will be displayed differently, for example '$','#','!','|' etc..  

RC/Browse retrieve raw data as stored in DB2 table and convert to terminal CCSID during display.
Assume data was inserted thru SPUFI could have different SSID than terminal CCSID and that leads
to different character display. 
For example, if modified terminal CCSID to 500-International and SPUFI in our environment
has plan CCSID 500.  Then inserted 'exclamation mark  !   split or ¦   logical or |' thru SPUFI.
Then went into RC/Browse to browse a table and could see the same character as inserted.  

For GRAPHIC & VARG column data stored as DBCS(Double Byte Character Set) and
RC/Browse display half of the set size, which in this case set to 70 so we displays initial 35 characters.  
To view complete data, use the EXPLODE command