After upgrading to portal 5.1 the portal is crashing daily
In this case all pods were restarted. Here are the results for Developer Portal that has been running for 3 hours.
Docker stats
4b18fde2e023 portal_dispatcher.o4allbbjivhknfvglnt9dwj7g.5pn073plz152dln7623ledh2p 0.00% 8.961MiB / 560MiB 1.60% 96.1MB / 91.6MB 8.64MB / 0B 11
56c106995559 portal_portal-enterprise.o4allbbjivhknfvglnt9dwj7g.mk37rv1uilej8lhyly362hyz5 0.16% 1.243GiB / 3.839GiB 32.39% 11.3MB / 3.21MB 460MB / 64.5kB 64
96676cdc438f portal_tenant-provisioner.1.nshfbljj22lhs1j3f835xxjaa 0.47% 497.7MiB / 1.095GiB 44.40% 37.1MB / 16.1MB 172MB / 0B 58
8cb05ee6b13c portal_analytics-server.o4allbbjivhknfvglnt9dwj7g.6g2p5lswbzotautozymv5fg3h 0.15% 381.9MiB / 2.191GiB 17.02% 1.43MB / 362kB 217MB / 0B 64
d7a53a188159 portal_historical.2.ne6exys0iybm5gonigfv8ekww 0.26% 2.318GiB / 5GiB 46.36% 777MB / 8.06MB 9.84GB / 4.49GB 135
94feaa44f264 portal_pssg.o4allbbjivhknfvglnt9dwj7g.kfjw7vcdh153f9trs450iz496 0.66% 4.941GiB / 6.579GiB 75.11% 74.8MB / 51.7MB 561MB / 271MB 181
eeedf3d3f33f portal_smtp.1.qjkqfgop7vyi16731tiwatys7 0.02% 11.91MiB / 560MiB 2.13% 8.22kB / 0B 18.5MB / 556kB 12
5e6f18fa606e portal_zookeeper.o4allbbjivhknfvglnt9dwj7g.gllfeodl2zb6796y6iw11d8a9 0.63% 142.4MiB / 512MiB 27.81% 10.4MB / 48.1MB 59.3MB / 75.7MB 48
13ed87e98ba5 portal_ingestion-server.1.087o42pjtia2x5hjo9ewy52mt 0.15% 233.6MiB / 1.5GiB 15.21% 61.4MB / 479MB 104MB / 0B 34
c79958344833 portal_apim.o4allbbjivhknfvglnt9dwj7g.j48qlyel9yxrbbuc5if9bors3 0.62% 5.258GiB / 6.579GiB 79.91% 51.7MB / 49.7MB 442MB / 987MB 217
822f12e0e70b portal_portal-data.o4allbbjivhknfvglnt9dwj7g.dnv6k7re0wcqaxplslpiy7ir5 4.44% 1.184GiB / 3.839GiB 30.84% 55.5MB / 43.8MB 242MB / 0B 88
a68dab10afbd portal_middlemanager.1.ebzagmqkyd3u4qk35gzqvh1tq 1.19% 3.196GiB / 4GiB 79.89% 3.28GB / 34.8MB 129MB / 2.85MB 366
0bfb0a80f1fd portal_authenticator.o4allbbjivhknfvglnt9dwj7g.dgt3xsc54aowt8h74wdwc2mdh 0.06% 297MiB / 1.095GiB 26.50% 3.6MB / 2.27MB 159MB / 0B 47
e93dbc1cd2e6 portal_broker.1.wehxk25w8surxyxzbgen3m5r6 4.77% 1.463GiB / 1.562GiB 93.60% 7.66MB / 4.62MB 75.4MB / 0B 173
729d9711a87f portal_kafka.1.j6f8n0ilp9zi1j478vhab4zjl 0.83% 575.5MiB / 1.5GiB 37.47% 490MB / 3.28GB 2.03GB / 101MB 86
195620fd0556 portal_rabbitmq.o4allbbjivhknfvglnt9dwj7g.d32sc7l9946f5jmpc79soysly 2.55% 115.2MiB / 560MiB 20.56% 885kB / 780kB 66MB / 2.6MB 164
ac6971cf0d2c portal_coordinator.o4allbbjivhknfvglnt9dwj7g.rfyo5s8zjbhp2wr4x2ld4roci 4.70% 460.9MiB / 512MiB 90.03% 2.28GB / 13.6MB 112MB / 0B 156
f9d2efbb3ffe portal_minio.1.v7ma0pjqsfs3fr1wwvewkl07x 1.61% 15.56MiB / 256MiB 6.08% 61.8MB / 1.57GB 104MB / 47.8MB 21
8440225a8067 portal_historical.1.3w00y5up28tlaiz412nxqwerp 0.26% 2.173GiB / 5GiB 43.46% 777MB / 8.05MB 9.67GB / 4.49GB 135
Release : 5.1
The default centos image has 32gb , when scalling certaing containers to run multiple replica's
for example the portal_historical container the default memory size of 32gb could be to small causing frequent crashes and restarts of containers.
if that turns out to be the case, the additional historical container add another 2.5 gb to the used memory .
To run multiple historical container you need increase the vm memory with around 4 gb .