AppNeta - We moved our appliance to a different IP address, can we modify existing paths to use new IP address?
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AppNeta - We moved our appliance to a different IP address, can we modify existing paths to use new IP address?


Article ID: 269078


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Our monitoring points are configured using static IP address, and the paths are build this way.

When we moved to a different ip or subnet, its broken many of the paths.  How can we update the paths?


Release :


You can use the GET /v3/path/{id} to review how a path is configured, and use the endpoint people you to modify paths:



1.  Start by filtering your delivery paths as needed, then use the share icon to grab the the export csv file:


2.  The CSV should contain all of the paths from the list and provide their IDs source and target, as well as other information.  Use the ID (or PathID) for the following step

3.  Opening the Explore API from the the monitoring point,  doing a GET /v3/path/{id} on one of the paths, review the response syntax.

4.  When ready to makes changes, use the PUT endpoint. In my example below, I have decided to change only a single value on the path, which is the Target (destination).  You can remove all the fields that are not required, and also remove the last coma " , " from the body:

5.  When ready, submit the changes.  You may get prompted for a username/password, enter as required.

6.  The change should show a Status 200, indicating it was accepted.  
7.  Check the GET /v3/path/{id} to confirm its been set correctly, but again the delivery path should update immediately.