sqlserver mcs profile is causing a high number of alarms for QOS that were never enabled.
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sqlserver mcs profile is causing a high number of alarms for QOS that were never enabled.


Article ID: 269034


Updated On:


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


We have a sqlserver (enhanced) profile created in a group with ~150 servers and there are heavy alarm loads related to it. Need to understand where these alarms are coming from.


Release : 20.4
Component: mon_config_service


Initially when creating a sqlserver mcs profile it will create a default alarm policy. That alarm policy will have a high number of alarming objects regardless if there is QOS defined for them. 

You will need to either disable the entire policy temporarily until you know which alarms you do want to get via Settings > Alarm Policies. From here you can disable individual alarm conditions as well.

Additional Information

The automatic creation of default alarm policies can be disabled globally (meaning for any probes mcs profile) via Raw Configure of the mon_config_service probe:

section > timed
key > enable_creation_of_default_policy
value > false 

default is true as this is a global change.

If the change is made than any new profile created will need alarm policies created manually.