ASM monitor 9256: SSL read: error
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ASM monitor 9256: SSL read: error


Article ID: 269032


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CA App Synthetic Monitor


ASM monitor 9256: SSL read: error

Customer changed monitor settings to TLS 1.2 as instructed in a Knowledge doc.  This did not work for this monitor. It looks like some times check is ok, while other times it is not and encounters the error.

Online ASM guide has following on the error message:
Error Code: 9256
Curl Failure in receiving network data


Release : SAAS


it looks like a correct alarm. As we can see from the logs, the problem was detected on one station and confirmed from another station (the same error,). Later, from the very same station it was OK again. It looks like the server is prematurely closing the TCP connection. 

We suggest that you should check the server logs and investigate this further with the help from the server admin. Currently, it does not look to be an issue on the ASM side.