Logs are not coming from SMG to syslog
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Logs are not coming from SMG to syslog


Article ID: 269008


Updated On:


Messaging Gateway


Logs are not coming from SMG to syslog.

The remote syslog settings are filled and safe but it's still visible as disabled in line 305 of bmiconfig.xml configuration file. 

305:                  <syslog enabled="false" level="4" longLines="true">syslog|local1</syslog>
556:         <syslog enabled="true" level="6" longLines="true">syslog|local2</syslog>
564:         <syslog enabled="true" level="6" longLines="true">syslog|local4</syslog>
573:         <syslog enabled="true" level="6" longLines="true">syslog|local1</syslog>
608:            <auditSyslog enabled="true" longLines="true">syslog|local3</auditSyslog>
621:         <syslog enabled="false" level="4" longLines="false">syslog|local1</syslog>
624:            <auditSyslog enabled="false" longLines="false">syslog|local1</auditSyslog>
630:            <auditSyslog enabled="true" longLines="true">syslog|local3</auditSyslog>
767:         <auditSyslog enabled="true" longLines="true">syslog|local3</auditSyslog>


Release: 10.8.0


The SMG in version 10.8.0 is not acknowledging the remote syslog is set due to a name resolution error.

The Control Center is possibly attempting to resolve the hostname of the system to execute the backup and may be getting an NXDOMAIN response when looking up the hostname in DNS.


The issue was addressed in 10.8.1 version.

To upgrade the SMG to the next version, use either the web interface or a command line. 

1. Web interface 

Administration > Hosts > Version > Updates

Hit check for updates button, choose a radio button for version 10.8.1-7, then click Download Only. 
After the new release is downloaded click Install and wait until the process is finished.

2. Command line

#getting the list of available packets
smg [10.8.0-7]> update list 

#downloading version 10.8.1-7
smg [10.8.0-7]> update download -v 10.8.1-7

#installing version 10.8.1-7
smg [10.8.0-7]> update install -v 10.8.1-7

It is highly recommended that you familiarize yourself with the best practices Knowledge Base article as you plan your upgrade procedure.

Messaging Gateway software update best practices

Additional Information

In a setup where the Control Center and the scanner(s) are on different hosts, it is possible to use a workaround from Knowledge Base article 254730.

Messaging Gateway Alert - Scheduled backup failures after upgrade to 10.8.0

The workaround does not work with a combo box setup.