O_TYPE_TASK name not found for ID <> during the online purge
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O_TYPE_TASK name not found for ID <> during the online purge


Article ID: 268989


Updated On:


CA Automic Dollar Universe


On a newly installed node 7.0.xx during the online Purge, the following task name not found errors are displayed in the log but the launches are manual launches without task attachment:

| 2023-03-14 00:01:35 |ERROR|X|IO |pid=26476854.3856| xn_get_extended_name      | O_TYPE_TASK name not found for ID <          >
| 2023-03-14 00:01:35 |ERROR|X|IO |pid=26476854.3856| o_io_cache_data_provider_ | Error getting Name for <          >: 600
| 2023-03-14 00:01:35 |TRACE|X|IO |pid=26476854.3856| iopurge_trace             | [DEBUG] [IOPUR] CTL TST           00000000000008U000000001S000000001 T 20230313112134
| 2023-03-14 00:01:35 |ERROR|X|IO |pid=26476854.3856| xn_get_extended_name      | O_TYPE_TASK name not found for ID <          >
| 2023-03-14 00:01:35 |ERROR|X|IO |pid=26476854.3856| o_io_cache_data_provider_ | Error getting Name for <          >: 600


Release : 7.x

Component: Dollar Universe Application Server (Node)


Unknown as impossible to replicate.


The issue was solved by itself and it was impossible to replicate anymore.

Should the issue occur again, please open a case with Technical Support referencing this Knowledge Article.