The use case is for SpanVA to sync only the users who are members of a specific Active Directory group, along with the AD Groups.
Gatelet with Active Directory Sync enabled via SpanVA.
Modify the Search string of the SpanVA profile so that it matches only on the required groups and users.
0- LDAP Search refresh:
LDAP OR condition is a pipe for example Condition1 OR Conditions is written (|(Condition1)(Condition2))
LDAP AND condition is a ampersand for example Condition1 AND Conditions is written (&(Condition1)(Condition2))
1- Base DN:
Choose the base DN the closest to the AD Groups required.
2- AD Group(s)
LDAP Group Search string:
which is logically means (or can be read as):
[ (The objectCategory equals group) AND (The objectclass eguals group) AND ( (group name is GROUP01) OR (group name is GROUP02) ) ]
3- Users of the AD Group(s)
LDAP Users Search String:
which is logically means (or can be read as):
[ (The objectCategory equals 'person' ) AND (The objectclass equals 'user') AND ( (the user is member of GROUP01) OR (the user is member of GROUP01) ) ]