sql_response probe Alarm on SQL database device instead of on Robot Device - Alarm Source
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sql_response probe Alarm on SQL database device instead of on Robot Device - Alarm Source


Article ID: 268922


Updated On:


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


The sql_response probe is configured to monitor databases on a remote server that has no robot installed. We have not configured the Alarm Source in the probe because the default source is the robot name.


When we look into Operator Console for the Alarm we see the robot name as well but the Device Name is the SQL Server Device.

In the Inventory the Robot Device does not have this Alarm.

In the Inventory, a new Device shows up for the SQL Server which has the Alarm.

Is there a way to configure the probe to show all Alarms on the robot device where it is installed?


  • Release: 20.4


This will be fixed on Cumulative Update 8 that will be released in July 2023.


In order to create an alarm on the robot device, we can override the source with the Probe robot name and enhance the alarm using alarm enrichment rules.

In nas.cfg following config changes can be made and nas and alarm enrichment probes to be deactivated and activated:

Under enrichment-source/cmdbs/ added a new enricher:

        population_query = null
        user = <user usually the sys admin>
        password = <encrypted_password>
        query = select dev_id, dev_name as name from CM_DEVICE where dev_name=?
        active = true
        connection_url = jdbc:sqlserver://UIMIPAddressForSQLServer:1433;DatabaseName=<database_name>;

Under enrichment-rules , added a new rule.

     use_enricher = source_enricher
     match_alarm_regexp = sql_response
     match_alarm_field = prid
     lookup_by_regexp = 
     lookup_by_alarm_field = udata.source
        dev_id = [cmdb.dev_id]


In the sql_response profile, the alarm source is to be set to ip/name of probe robot.

Once these are done, I could see the alarm created on dev_id of probe robot instead of remote device.

This KB was written with logmon in mind but can be applicable for any probe.
