Error creating project - Error code: internal Error Msg: projmgr.templateCopyFailed
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Error creating project - Error code: internal Error Msg: projmgr.templateCopyFailed


Article ID: 268920


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Clarity PPM SaaS



When creating a project from template using a non-admin user, this error bellow appears and see the error log.

Using admin user, that’s fine.


The user group has the necessary access rights for creating a project from a template


ERROR 2023-06-21 14:43:46,006 [http-nio-8080-exec-1644] (clarity:Tester:8043364__BA065FC2-2EE5-4937-B7DA-E0A72631B387:PPM_REST_API) AbstractInvestmentTemplateCopier ::  Exception while creating instance [name: my 3rd test qwilt code: PRJ00000224 ] from template id [ 5089132 ]. Error code: internal Error Msg: projmgr.templateCopyFailed



Release : 16.1.1


The template may have some Tasks and Status Reports and the user does not have permissions to create status reports.  Add the access rights to view and create Status Reports
ERROR 2023-06-21 17:07:31,645 [http-nio-8080-exec-1668] niku.xql2 (clarity:Tester:8043371__F24489DE-93B8-4B86-9BF4-790978411199:PPM_REST_API) Internal Processing exceptioncom.niku.union.odf.exception.ODFValidationException: ODF-0104: Not authorized to create cop_prj_statusrpt instances.
ERROR 2023-06-21 17:07:31,704 [http-nio-8080-exec-1668] (clarity:Tester:8043371__F24489DE-93B8-4B86-9BF4-790978411199:PPM_REST_API) AbstractInvestmentTemplateCopier ::  Exception while creating instance [name: test project - please delete code: PRJ00000230 ] from template id [ 5089132 ]. Error code: internal Error Msg: projmgr.templateCopyFailedERROR 2023-06-21 17:10:14,868 [http-nio-8080-exec-1677] niku.xql2 (clarity:Tester:8043371__F24489DE-93B8-4B86-9BF4-790978411199:PPM_REST_API) EXCEPTION caught in CopyProjectTasks.copyODFCustomAttributes()com.niku.union.odf.exception.ODFValidationException: You do not have the rights to perform the action.ERROR 2023-06-21 17:10:14,869 [http-nio-8080-exec-1677] niku.xql2 (clarity:Tester:8043371__F24489DE-93B8-4B86-9BF4-790978411199:PPM_REST_API) com.niku.union.odf.exception.ODFException: com.niku.union.odf.exception.ODFValidationException: You do not have the rights to perform the action.