When creating a project from template using a non-admin user, this error bellow appears and see the error log.
Using admin user, that’s fine.
The user group has the necessary access rights for creating a project from a template
ERROR 2023-06-21 14:43:46,006 [http-nio-8080-exec-1644] ppm.rest (clarity:Tester:8043364__BA065FC2-2EE5-4937-B7DA-E0A72631B387:PPM_REST_API) AbstractInvestmentTemplateCopier :: Exception while creating instance [name: my 3rd test qwilt code: PRJ00000224 ] from template id [ 5089132 ]. Error code: internal Error Msg: projmgr.templateCopyFailed
Release : 16.1.1
ERROR 2023-06-21 17:07:31,645 [http-nio-8080-exec-1668] niku.xql2 (clarity:Tester:8043371__F24489DE-93B8-4B86-9BF4- 790978411199:PPM_REST_API) Internal Processing exceptioncom.niku.union.odf.exception. ODFValidationException: ODF-0104: Not authorized to create cop_prj_statusrpt instances.
ERROR 2023-06-21 17:07:31,704 [http-nio-8080-exec-1668] ppm.rest (clarity:Tester:8043371__F24489DE-93B8-4B86-9BF4- 790978411199:PPM_REST_API) AbstractInvestmentTemplateCopi er :: Exception while creating instance [name: test project - please delete code: PRJ00000230 ] from template id [ 5089132 ]. Error code: internal Error Msg: projmgr.templateCopyFailedERROR 2023-06-21 17:10:14,868 [http-nio-8080-exec-1677] niku.xql2 (clarity:Tester:8043371__ F24489DE-93B8-4B86-9BF4- 790978411199:PPM_REST_API) EXCEPTION caught in CopyProjectTasks. copyODFCustomAttributes()com. niku.union.odf.exception. ODFValidationException: You do not have the rights to perform the action.ERROR 2023-06-21 17:10:14,869 [http-nio-8080-exec-1677] niku.xql2 (clarity:Tester:8043371__ F24489DE-93B8-4B86-9BF4- 790978411199:PPM_REST_API) com.niku.union.odf.exception. ODFException: com.niku.union.odf.exception. ODFValidationException: You do not have the rights to perform the action.