Multiple Web Viewer Instances server.xml and ConfigFile.cfg files
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Multiple Web Viewer Instances server.xml and ConfigFile.cfg files


Article ID: 268908


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Output Management Web Viewer


We have multiple test sysplexes, and now we have a new requirement to run two instances of Web Viewer per SYSPLEX.  Internal H2 databases are being used and the intention is to keep using internal H2 databases for each instance. Also, we want to avoid having multiple modifiable configuration files in USS. 

1. Each Tomcat instance uses a unique ../tomcat/conf/server.xml that requires modification, how can we make sure that each instance of Tomcat uses the correct server.xml file? In addition to maintaining the Tomcat server.xml on a read-only filesystem or dataset?

2. Can I configure the product database connection (DB_JDBC_URL) outside of the USS configuration file?


Release : 14.0


To answer their questions:

1. Each Tomcat task could have a unique SRVXML DD pointing to the specific server.xml file that it needs to use..

2. Currently the DB_JDBC_URL can only be set in the configuration file. The file is located in ${CAWVHOME}/config/ConfigFile.cfg. CAWVHOME is defined in the CAHVENV member sourced by the started task.

You can place the configuration file in a filesystem that is mounted read-only however you need to make sure that the application logging to file, which uses ${CAWVHOME}/logs by default, is either disabled or redirected to a location outside of CAWVHOME.

In either case, copy the CAHVLG4J sample member into ${CAWVHOME}/config/log4j2.xml and modify it depending on your choice:

a. If you want to only log to STDOUT, remove all references to the RollingFile appender by deleting lines containing:

    <AppenderRef ref="RollingFile" />

b. If you want to continue logging into a file, update logPath property so that it points to a writable directory. For example:

    <Property name="logPath">/somewhere/writable/BAU/logs