How to copy report definitions to a different Deliver database
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How to copy report definitions to a different Deliver database


Article ID: 268887


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Process required to copy report definitions from one Deliver database to a different one.


Release : 14.0


Use the COPY function of the RMOUTIL utility to copy report definitions to an existing Deliver database.

1. Run RMODBASE Utility UNLOAD against each database to create a copy of the original databases (this is good practice to provide a backup copy prior to any changes)

2. Run RMOUTIL Utility with COPY function to copy report definitions over, sample JCL:

//xxxxxxxxJOB ...                                                             
//RMOUTIL  EXEC PGM=RMOUTIL                                                    
//STEPLIB  DD DISP=SHR,DSN=DLVR.CVDELOAD          <=== Modify, if used         
//SYSPRINT DD  SYSOUT=*                                                        
//SYSIN    DD  *                                                               
/NAME FROM=<old database> TO=<new database>                                                                                
/COPY JOB=*                                                                      <=== Use JOB or RID
/COPY RID=*                                                           

Note there are other statements (ie: DELETE) that may be applicable, depending on whether you with to maintain the definitions in the original database. 

Refer to further information below for a full list of statements

Additional Information

Further information about use of RMOUTIL Utility