VIP AuthHub corelationID's for log analysis
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VIP AuthHub corelationID's for log analysis


Article ID: 268777


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VIP Authentication Hub


I’m trying to find a common key between msg: selected factor* and msg: Server OTP Authentication*. Moreover, it can happen that several occurrences happen of msg: selected factor* when the user is changing choice of authentication method.

 I still believe that building statistics requires knowledge about the software that only Broadcom has. It is possible to get some useful information from Kibana but I’m not sure that our statistics will be 100% correct without that knowledge. 


Release : Any AuthHub Release


Here are the correlation IDs you will find in the security log and audit log of Authentication Hub.
  • flowStateId - This id represents the full end-to-end authentication flow that covers all requests from the moment authentication service is invoked until the authentication flow                                     completes. For example, Factor Selection and OTP generation/verification, plus any other request in the same flow will have the same flowStateId
  • txnId (transaction id) - This id represents an individual response by the server.
  • clientTxnId (client transaction id) - This id represents the id of the request as sent by a client. For example, our own client including Signin app and Admin Console app do send                                                                  clientTxnId.