The Symantec HSM agent by default uses a GroupID and UserID of 2917. Some customers may want to change the GID and UID for security purposes. This article provides directions on how to implement this.
Symantec HSM Agent 2.1 on Podman.
You will want to create a docker file with the following contents:
FROM symantec_hsm_agent:2.1_269362
ARG SymUID=2917
ARG SymGID=2917
ARG SymUSER=symagent
USER root
RUN usermod -u $SymUID $SymUSER && groupmod -g $SymGID $SymUSER
This docker file is then used to build a podman image with the following command:
podman build --build-arg SymUID=5917 --build-arg SymGID=4917 -t symantec_hsm_agent:2.1_latest .
This results in a container with with UID set to 5917 and the GID set to 4917.