NewMM.PL - Cannot restore VIB information
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NewMM.PL - Cannot restore VIB information


Article ID: 268645


Updated On:


DX NetOps CA Spectrum


When executing the post upgrade steps the process looks like it hangs on this step:

Would you like to convert the eligible source model(s)
to this new model type? (y/n): y

   Converting select models to new model type: HPProCurve.  Please wait...
*** Cannot restore VIB information
*** Cannot restore VIB information
*** Cannot restore VIB information
*** Cannot restore VIB information
*** Cannot restore VIB information
*** Cannot restore VIB information
*** Cannot restore VIB information
*** Cannot restore VIB information
*** Cannot restore VIB information
*** Cannot restore VIB information
*** Cannot restore VIB information

How can we check that all have converted correctly?
and chow we can check that this process didn't corrupt anything?


Release : 22.2.x, 23.3.x


VIB is "view information block" which is how we build out the topology placement. So if it cannot restore the VIB information the default placement will be used in the Topology, and not where the model was prior to running the script.

If the devices are being restored to the default location, We would not worry about this message. Please confirm this, or if you noticed any side effects.

We did find out that this may be caused by an obsolete attribute or model type as some customers have also reported this when running the script and they had no other side effects.