List of errors that can be ignored in Risk Authentication server log.
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List of errors that can be ignored in Risk Authentication server log.


Article ID: 268635


Updated On:


CA Risk Authentication CA Advanced Authentication - Risk Authentication (RiskMinder / RiskFort) CA Advanced Authentication


Detail explanation of the fatal errors that can be disregarded in Risk Authentication logs.


Release:  9.1 SP1, 9.1 sp2, 9.1 sp3, 9.1 sp4.

Risk Authentication Server.


Below log messages can be disregarded in Risk Auth log:

1. Couldn't get function pointer for symbol [ARRF_AddOnRulePostEval] in lib [rfrulenumericcomparison_ex] 
           This is generic error for all the addon rules. In riskauth for all the out of the box rules we have rules name corresponding function pointer. In case of the add-on rule we have generic function pointer, when we try to search add-on rule name in function pointer list, exact match is not found and we see this error.

2. SQLException in ARRFDbOperations::setUserContextLockedFlagForAll [[DB: No Data Found]] 
           When we are trying to restart the server, we check for any locked user context and try to unlock the user context. If no locked user context is present we see this exception and we are handling it to proceed with the restart.

3. Error in ARRFDbOperations::getCurrConvRates: No data found
          This is the generic error as by default, there is no data in the ARRFCURRCONVRATES table. You must populate this table with values after deploying Risk Authentication.