Non admin user is unable to create new custom investment instance using New From Template. User can select the template, populate the information, but gets an error
"You do not have the rights to perform the action." when clicking the "Create" button. User has Create from Template Global rights and can see the template via instance.
1. Create Custom Investment
2. As admin create custom investment instance and mark it as template.
3. Create basic user and provide below access rights:
Custom Investment - Navigate
Test Inv - Create from Template
Test Inv - View (to the template)
4. Login as the basic user to MUX and attempt to create new instance using New From Template.
5. Fill out Name and Id and click on Create button.
6. Observe error "You do not have the rights to perform the action."
Expected Results: It should allow user to create new instance with above mentioned rights.
Actual Results: it is not allowing to create an instance with above mentioned rights.
Release : 16.1.0
DE69871, Fixed in 16.1.3
1. Navigate to Studio->Project object and search for manager field.
2. Clear default value and click Save.
3. Once saved you will see Current User populated by default.
4. Try logging in after that and validate that it is working.
Assign Edit All rights.