Archive Manager crashing after upgrading Spectrum to 22.2.6 or 22.2.8 versions
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Archive Manager crashing after upgrading Spectrum to 22.2.6 or 22.2.8 versions


Article ID: 268607


Updated On: 03-25-2024


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


After upgrading to DX NetOPS Spectrum to version 22.2.8, the Archive Manager is crashing with a core file. 





Release : 22.2.x


By now, this problem was only observed in Spectrum 22.2.6 and 22.2.8 versions.

In this case, there were some "FLATFILE_EVENTS" parameters configured in $SPECROOT/SS/DDM/.configrc file, similar as the ones below:


These parameters are used when customer wants to export the Spectrum events to a flat file (in the above case, spectrum_events.log")  in order to be consumed by third-party tools.

In addition, the following error was seen in the core file generated:

*** Error in `/ca/spectrum/SS/DDM/ArchMgr': corrupted double-linked list: 0x00007f6794043880 ***


Spectrum 22.2.6 and 22.2.8 only:

1- Please contact the Broadcom Support team and ask for the respective patch to be provided:

22.2.6 : Spectrum_22.02.06.D196
22.2.8 :  22.2.8_PTF_22.2.801

2- Execute the following procedure:


The patch must be applied in the Spectroserver only. After applying the patch, and before starting processd and spectroserver, please edit the $SPECROOT/SS/DDM/.configrc file as below:

a- Uncomment the "FLATFILE_EVENTS" lines (if commented). i.e:


b- Insert the new parameter (provided by the patch):


P.S: System generates a huge number of performance events ( "modelTypeName": "SSPerformance" ) which will be used by perfCollector tool. At present these performance events are also written to flat files.
By using FLATFILE_SKIP_PERF_EVENTS=TRUE option, the performance events will not be written to the flat file.

3- Save the file, and proceed with the processd and Spectroserver start.


Spectrum 22.2.5 (and lower), 22.2.7 or 22.2.9:

(workaround): Comment out the FLATFILE_EVENTS lines in /ca/spectrum/SS/DDM/.configrc, and restart Archive Manager. This will prevent Archive Manager from crashing.


This issue will be addressed in future release of Spectrum.