Problem with LMP key '02' required by Java Transforms while '3B' should have replaced it.
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Problem with LMP key '02' required by Java Transforms while '3B' should have replaced it.


Article ID: 268571


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The LMP key '02' available in the previous contract is missing in the new one, and we've been told that the key '3B' for Java Transforms should replace the old keys '02', 'JX' and 'J1' from SAS/C Transforms. However, when running the stand alone Java Transformers with Web Viewer the following message is being produced:

*CAS9182A - WARNING: LMP key Prod (02)                      expires in nnn days

The message changed after the LMP key for product '02' was removed from storage using the procedure outlined in the document How to update the CA Spool LMP keys without the need to perform an IPL

CAS9180E - CPU xxxxx Requires a LMP key to run Prod (02)



Release : 14.0


PTF LU10316