Staffing Grid - Allocation Timeline - Returning all investments and resources on initial load
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Staffing Grid - Allocation Timeline - Returning all investments and resources on initial load


Article ID: 268531


Updated On: 07-12-2023


Clarity PPM SaaS


Default filter for Allocations Timeline loads all Investments and all Resources which can make the UI slow

Steps to Reproduce: 
1- On an environment where there are tens of thousands of resources and investments
2- Modern -  Staffing - Allocations Timeline 
3- With the default out of the box filter, all investments and all resources are loaded

Expected Results: Results are paged or limited and not all resources/investments are loaded

Actual Results: All Investments/Resources are loaded

Click "Stop Loading" button
or add and save a Filtered View


Release : 16.1.2


Workaround:  As a Clarity Administrator user, create a "Recommended" Saved View for users.

All users that then subsequently log in will get the 'Recommended' view loading the data based on that filter.

This is also being investigated at Broadcom under: DE70758