Weekly schedules calculating next rundate a week ahead
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Weekly schedules calculating next rundate a week ahead


Article ID: 268511


Updated On:


CA Automic Applications Manager (AM)


When selecting update next rundate button for a weekly schedule the future date can be seen to jump ahead a week. For example this can be seen when creating the following weekly schedule.

Schedule created on Thursday 4/2/2020

Scheduled start date : 03-10-2020

Scheduled End Date : 12-31-2040

Start Time : 08:00

Frequency : Weekly, Every 1 Weeks on Sunday

Rescheduled From : 06-07-2010

Exception Method : Next checked day

We see the next run date calculate to the following Sunday’s date of 4/12/2020 and not 4/5/2020.


Release : 9.4.X


This is due to the reschedule from date being set to 06-07-2010. If you look at a calendar 06-07-2010 was Monday, which Monday has already passed as its Thursday 4/2/2020.

If we change the reschedule from date to something after today’s day of the week “Thursday” the schedule will calculate for this Sunday 4/5. For example if we set the reschedule from date to 6/5/2010 which was a Saturday the next run date will calculate to this Sunday 4/5.

Schedule created on 4/2/2020

Scheduled start date : 03-10-2020

Scheduled End Date : 12-31-2040

Start Time : 08:00

Frequency : Weekly, Every 1 Weeks on Sunday

Rescheduled From : 6/5/2010

Exception Method : Next checked day

We see the next run date calculate to next  Sundays date of 4/5/2020.

As you can see the weekly schedule’s initial start is based off the reschedule from date and its specific day of the week for example Sun, Mon,Tue and the specific day of week the schedule is created.


This is as designed as the reschedule from date is used to prevent schedule creep. Details on the reschedule field for weekly and monthly schedules can be found at the following link...

Setting Reschedule From and Exception Method Options