Imported Roadmap Items (from Idea or Project) by default do not have STATUS or TYPE derived from imported item. So we have to manually update the item Status and Type. You can use the linked to type attribute to show the Type, but the linked to type does not leverage the seeded functionality that automatically color codes for the status and type. Is it possible if it’s an idea or project being imported, make the status of the roadmap item = to the status from the idea or project and default the Type = the Linked To Type?
Release : 16.0.3
By design unfortunately the 'Status' and 'Linked To Type' does not come over during import. So the only way is manually update the item Status and Type.
Why doesn't Linked to Type leverage the seeded functionality that automatically color codes?
The 'Linked to Type' attribute definition is String (not a number) and due to limitation of String data type it does not have ability to color code.