JsonTransformationAssertion throws java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
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JsonTransformationAssertion throws java.lang.NoSuchMethodError


Article ID: 268491


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CA API Gateway


Recently the JsonTransformationAssertion stopped working. We get a NoSuchMethodError with every call to the assertion.

This can also be reproduced by using the test function of the assertion in the policy manager.

We have run a difference list regarding existing jar files on our development environment, and our test environment where the error occurs. 


Release : 10.x


We have now found the problem. By adding -Xlog:class+load=info:<file> to the start of the gateway Java process, we reviewed the  log file that states which jar files the specific classes are loaded from.

It contained the following line:

[296.235s][info][class,load] org.json.XMLTokener source: file:/opt/SecureSpan/Gateway/runtime/lib/ext/somecustomassertion-all.jar

That is obviously not good, because the XMLTokener must be extracted from the JsonTransformationAssertion file .

We have removed this custom file, and after a reboot everything works again.