Abend U3042 with EZT pgm that uses IMS DL/1 & DB2
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Abend U3042 with EZT pgm that uses IMS DL/1 & DB2


Article ID: 268461


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Easytrieve Report Generator


An EZT pgm that uses IMS DL/1 is working fine.
But the module has been changed to also use DB2 and when running the program as a BMP,  it fails with abend u3042.


Release : 11.6


The SSID or PLAN might be the reason for this abend "U3042 - DB2 NOT AVAILABLE" . In this case PLAN name  and  PSB name are the same, so it is not requested to specify the plan name .

Regarding SSID, pass the SSID using the SSM parameter and rerun the job.

Details about SSM Parameter :-

Use the SSM parameter to reference a member in IMS.PROCLIB that identifies the Db2 for z/OS subsystems that can be accessed from this BMP region.
To prevent any access to a Db2 for z/OS subsystem from the BMP, use the name of a null member (no entries).
The default (a null value) allows the BMP region to attach to any of the subsystems declared to the IMS control region.
If necessary, coordinate this parameter with the corresponding SSM parameter in the IMS procedure.

Code the SSM parameters on the BMPs exec card parms. 
The SSM parameter references the IMS PROCLIB member that specifies the DB2 subsystem to connect to.
Update DFSPBIMS member of the IMS PROCLIB data set to specify execution parameters for the DB/DC control region.
SSM=SSM parameter specifies that an IMS PROCLIB member will be used during the start of the IMS system.

SSM identifies the external subsystems that IMS connects to.
SST=The valid external subsystem types.
SSN=DB2 for z/OS group name.
LIT=Specifies the language interface token that relates this language interface to an external subsystem with their respective specifications in a PROCLIB member entry as the LIT and SSN parameters.The IMS-supplied language interface module DFSLI000 uses a LIT value of SYS1.
ESMT=Specifies the name of the DB2 initialization module, DSNMIN10. This value is required.
REO=Optional. The region error option code (one character) that determines the action AR/CTL takes if the application program issues a DB2 request before connection to the DB2 subsystem is complete or if problems are encountered with the DB2 subsystem. The table shows values that are valid. The default value is R.
CRC=Optional. The command recognition character. AR/CTL does not use this value but maintains it for compatibility with IMS. The value can be any single EBCDIC character.

IMS BMP Parameter list reference: EXEC parameters for IMS batch message processing regions