InterTest Batch test server CAVHSRVR profile allocation
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InterTest Batch test server CAVHSRVR profile allocation


Article ID: 268460


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InterTest - Batch


Setting up the CAVHSRVR Test Server to use VS Code extension to debug Cobol programs on the mainframe. 
The CAVHSRVR JCL contains an INT1PROF DD statement. 
Can end users working with VS Code extension specify their own profile data sets when debugging from VS Code or the CAVHSRVR started task needs a permanent shared profile data set?.  


Release : 11.0


The VS Code extension cannot override the profile INT1PROF DD statement defined in the CAVHSRVR JCL. The one specified in the INT1PROF DD of the CAVHSRVR started task is used for operations performed by the Testing Tools Server. This is the case for the JCL conversion. When debugging a job, INT1PROF defined in the job that is being debugged is used.
The proper setup is that INT1PROF points to a shared data set that everybody (using debugger) has update access to (create a new member and update existing one). This shared data set should be coded on the INT1PROF DD in the Testing Tools Server as well as in the debug jobs.