An Extract Procedure is created on a local subsystem.
On the BUILD EXTRACT PROCEDURES panel, the OBJECT SELECTION SUBSYSTEM field is manually updated to point to a different subsystem.
When the Extract Procedure is executed the specified subsystem (ssid) is ignored and object selection is performed on the local subsystem.
The job output indicates which subsystem the object selection is performed on:
Real Time Object Selection (RTOS) for extract-name - Started hh:mm:ss
---------------------------------------------------------------------- hh:mm:ss
OBJECT SELECTION SUBSYSTEM ==> local-subsystem MODE ==> A (N)ame or (A)ction Oriented
Maint. Action ==> R (R)eorganization / Rebuild, (S)tatistics,
(Primary goal) (F)ull Image Copy, (I)ncr Image Copy, Image (C)opy
User (D)efined Action, Other: *(U)pdate, *(E)xplode
Release : 20.0
The ability to override the subsystem used for object selection is only supported for Name (classic mode) Extract Procedures.
It is not currently supported for Action-Oriented (RTOS) Extract Procedures.