"Input line too long" error applying Cloud SWG policy from Management Center after updating the exception page
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"Input line too long" error applying Cloud SWG policy from Management Center after updating the exception page


Article ID: 268363


Updated On:


Cloud Secure Web Gateway - Cloud SWG


Cloud SWG Managed by UPE/Management Center.

After applying an update to the configuration via UPE, the corresponding policy push triggered the following error:



Management Center.

Cloud SWG.


Image applied to exception page exceeded limit allowed by Cloud SWG.


Reduce the size of the image applied (original was 2.5MB, which was reduced to 35kB).

Additional Information

Cloud SWG classifier logs confirmed the 'line too long' message seen with UPE triggered by the src tag pointing to exception page image.

Compliation errors (SG_7_3):  Error: Input line too long tenant:100: src='data:image/png; Error: Unterminated 'define ... end' block: 'define' central:2: define config.customer default
*ERRORS* detected:
Input line too long tenant:100: src='data:image/png;
Unterminated 'define ... end' block: 'define' central:2: define config.customer default

Return: -|-
Status: 200
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Exporting the UPE policy, one can find the corresponding src tag to locate the image and size.

<img src='