After Workflow Approval task/event remaining In Progress
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After Workflow Approval task/event remaining In Progress


Article ID: 268359


Updated On:


CA Identity Suite


After enabling the workflow (either single-stage or two-stage approval process) the tasks are going to "in progress" state after completing the approval.

Note: If we try to assign a role on a task without WF, the role is assigned and the task completed without any issues.


Release : 14.3


We have identified an exception right after the approval from the logs:
2023-06-07 16:24:13,168 INFO  [ims.default] (Worker_actionq#ActionQ1#WPDS_1) Event ModifyUserEvent id=sample modifyuserevent id approved

2023-06-07 16:24:13,172 WARN  [ims.default] (Worker_actionq#ActionQ1#WPDS_1) EJBCLIENT000079: Unable to discover destination for request for EJB StatelessEJBLocator for "iam_im/iam_im_identityminder_ejb/WorkFlowCallBackEJB", view is interface com.netegrity.ejb.workflow.callbacks.WorkFlowCallBackHome, affinity is None

2023-06-07 16:24:13,172 DEBUG [ims.default] (Worker_actionq#ActionQ1#WPDS_1) javax.ejb.NoSuchEJBException: javax.ejb.NoSuchEJBException: EJBCLIENT000079: Unable to discover destination for request for EJB StatelessEJBLocator for "iam_im/iam_im_identityminder_ejb/WorkFlowCallBackEJB", view is interface com.netegrity.ejb.workflow.callbacks.WorkFlowCallBackHome, affinity is None


We have found the reason for this error:
..\iam_im.ear\config\ includes incorrect configuration when it comes to workflow callback EJB

Please update the file to have the following:

# Workflow Callback EJB

