Business Rule does not mark Manager required with an asterisk if it is made required.
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Business Rule does not mark Manager required with an asterisk if it is made required.


Article ID: 268334


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS


Business Rule does not mark Manager required with an asterisk if it is made required on the project properties page

Business Rule


Release : 16.1.2


Steps to Reproduce: 
1- Create a blueprint rule to make fields required on Create
Rule Type: View Page
Conditions: Always True
Actions: Required Attributes
Manager and any other attributes custom or OOTB
2- Associate the Blueprint with a template
3- Create a new project from template above
4- You will get a popup with all Required fields. It does not include Manager 
5- Enter values for required attributes and click "Create"
6- On Project properties page, Manager does not have a star like other required fields
However, user will get an error about it being required if they try to change it to None

Expected Results: Manager field is starred like other required fields

Actual Results:  Manager field is NOT starred like other required fields.

Required field is still enforced.  This is a cosmetic issue


To make the field required and display the asterisk for the user, please setup the Blueprint Rule as shown below.