Error starting ENFSNMPM - do_hash: CSNBOWH rc=12, reason=0 (0X00000000)
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Error starting ENFSNMPM - do_hash: CSNBOWH rc=12, reason=0 (0X00000000)


Article ID: 268311


Updated On: 06-20-2023


OPS/MVS Event Management & Automation


Errors starting ENFSNMPM:

CAIENF SAPI/SNMP Trap Service, Version 3.0 - May  7 2018
MAIN: Started on Fri Jun 16, 2023 - asid(0087)
MAIN:  Sysname: z/OS
MAIN: Nodename: SYSA
MAIN:  Version: 02
MAIN:  Release: 05.00
do_hash: CSNBOWH rc=12, reason=0 (0X00000000)
do_hash: Make sure ICSF is installed and started
pv3CNFG: error localizing auth_key
readCNFG: parse_record return rc=8 for statement beginning on line 145
CAW1CNFG: read_file returned rc=8
MAIN: read_config return rc=8



Release : 14.0


The default configuration file SNMPCNFG delivered in the CAW0OPTV library was being used and not all required security setup was performed.

Commenting out all lines in the default member allowed the ENFSNMPM task to come up