This document covers information about Workload Automation Autosys - Log / Configuration gathering
A. Environment
Command to obtain Version
AutoSys version: autoflags -a
Web UI version: or uejmver.bat
EEM: EEM UI -> About link
Commands to get additional details about the configuration
For AutoSys:
For WCC:
(several flags available depending on what information is needed).
see usage for exact syntax:
For Agents:
cybAgent -vv
B. Logs / Configuration files to collect
For AutoSys:
For Autosys Web Server:
For WCC:
a tar/zip of entire folder and its sub folders and contents: $CA_WCC_INSTALL_LOCATION/log/*
For EEM:
a tar/zip of entire folder and its sub folders and contents: $CASHCOMP/CADirectory/dxserver/config/knowledge/*
For Agents:
C. Misc. tips
AutoSys errors and warning messages are prefixed with “CAUAJM_E_” and “CAUAJM_W_” look for those types of messages and use them searches when troubleshooting.
WCC errors are typically in the format of E<######>
Some helpful / commonly referred to links:
Starting and stopping the product(s)
Setting in the agentparm.txt file:
Configuring EEM with LDAP:
Configuring EEM in Multi-write mode:
Configuring EEM certificates with a customer key length
Export / copy EEM policies:
AutoSys EEM policies:
Web UI EEM policies:
Product Ports:
General AutoSys Debugging