An Easytrieve program is issuing LMP messages CAS9180E error messages when running an Easytrieve program delivered from JOBTRAC:
Easytrieve Report Generator, release 11.6
Regarding the LMP messages, installing either B60000ESACS.pax.Z or B60000ESA00.pax.Z.
should result in the same pax file being installed. There should not be a difference between the two files.
These CAS9180E messages are usually generated because the product Easytrieve is not current on maintenance.
If installing via z/OSMF, then PTF LU06812 is installed and is all inclusive.
But, if installing the pax file, but no maintenance, I would ask please that LU06812, our Continuous Delivery Level Set for 11.6.01, be received and applied.
Please note:
PGM name GJTREZCS being executed stands for 'G JobTrac Report EZt Common Services'.