Governance Eurekify log is being overwhelmed with excessive logs
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Governance Eurekify log is being overwhelmed with excessive logs


Article ID: 268301


Updated On:


CA Identity Suite


In the past three (3) business days the Eurekify logs have exploded from an average volume ranging from 100 KB to 8500KB to a range of 62 to 107 MB in size.

The significant volume can be attributed to a recurring warning record that ends in "Discarding unexpected response: HTTP/1.1 100 Continue"

These run in the hundreds of thousands of records for each daily log 





Release : 14.4


During the investigation, we see that:

Smart Provisioning is turned on in the IME settings

There is a web services configuration object from IG to IM 

 However, checking bulk tasks and explore/correlate tasks via VST we do not see any for that time frame.

Chasing this further down, we do see that the time of the CSV import into GM do match up to the time in the logs, and seeing that there were hung imports that were stopped and restarted and seeing that the imports finished that the logs went back to normal, we can tie this error message to the CSV imports.

Searching the knowledge base we see other times where this error occurred and the other customers that faced this problem came down to database connection or table issues.

At this point it is safe to assume that the log file increase is part of the import, and since there were import problems, they would be logged.