IM 14.4 CP2 JCS Package - Clarification on importing metadata xml files
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IM 14.4 CP2 JCS Package - Clarification on importing metadata xml files


Article ID: 268279


Updated On:


CA Identity Suite CA Identity Manager


The 14.4 CP2 package for updating the JCS comes with following connector metadata:


The instructions provided only work for azure_rest_metadata.xml and racf_metadata.xml files:

Do the other xml files need to be applied and if so how?


Release : 14.4


The acc_proxy_metadata.xml and ads_proxy_metadata.xml does not need to be included in the package and can be ignored.

The pps_metadata.xml and sap_metadata.xml require different steps to get updated. The property "allowMetadataModify" should be set to true in the connector.xml in override folder to allow eTMetaData modification in Provisioning Directory via JXplorer.

1. Rename \Identity Manager\Connector Server\jcs\conf\override\pps\SAMPLE.connector.xml to connector.xml
2. Set "allowMetadataModify" to true
3. Save the file connector.xml
4. Rename \Identity Manager\Connector Server\jcs\conf\override\sap\SAMPLE.connector.xml to connector.xml
5. Set "allowMetadataModify" to true
6. Save the file connector.xml
7. Restart JCS

8. Use an ldapbrowser such as Jxlorer to connect to the Provisoining Server hostname on port 20389 with Bind UserDN such as eTGlobalUserName=XXX,eTGlobalUserContainerName=Global Users,eTNamespaceName=CommonObjects,dc=im,dc=eta where XXX is replaced by the ID used to log in with Provisioning Manager\Connector
9. Navigate to eTNamespaceName=PeopleSoft,dc=im,dc=eta and replace the contents of the eTMetaData attribute with the contents from pps_metadata.xml and submit
10. Navigate to eTNamespaceName=SAP R3,dc=im,dc=eta and replace the contents of the eTMetaData attribute with the contents from sap_metadata.xml and submit

11. Rename \Identity Manager\Connector Server\jcs\conf\override\pps\connector.xml back to SAMPLE.connector.xml
12. Set "allowMetadataModify" back to false
13. Save the file SAMPLE.connector.xml
14. Rename \Identity Manager\Connector Server\jcs\conf\override\sap\connector.xml back to SAMPLE.connector.xml
15. Set "allowMetadataModify" back to false
16. Save the file SAMPLE.connector.xml
17. Restart JCS