When a custom attribute has an API Attribute ID that contains the string 'limit', an Export to CSV job of a Grid that contains that attribute fails
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When a custom attribute has an API Attribute ID that contains the string 'limit', an Export to CSV job of a Grid that contains that attribute fails


Article ID: 268250


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS


When a custom attribute has an API Attribute ID that contains the string 'limit', an Export to CSV job of a Grid that contains that attribute fails with the following:

Export Job Failed: Malformed resourceUrl. resourceUrl cannot contain limit.
Malformed resourceUrl. resourceUrl cannot contain limit.

The following is seen in the bg-ca.log when the job runs:

java.lang.Exception: Export Job Failed: Malformed resourceUrl. resourceUrl cannot contain limit.

at com.niku.njs.listeners.CSVExportJobListener.scheduledEventFired(CSVExportJobListener.java:315)
at com.niku.njs.BGTask.run(BGTask.java:113)
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1128)
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:628)
at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:829)
Caused by: java.lang.Exception: Malformed resourceUrl. resourceUrl cannot contain limit.
at com.niku.njs.listeners.CSVExportJobListener.validateResourceUrl(CSVExportJobListener.java:725)
at com.niku.njs.listeners.CSVExportJobListener.scheduledEventFired(CSVExportJobListener.java:179)
... 4 more

The issue occurs if 'limit' is anywhere in the API Attribute ID  (e.g. p_limit, p_abclimitdef, p_limit_abc)

Steps to Reproduce: 

1. Create a custom string attribute on the Project object called 'Test Limit'

2. Make the API Attribute ID 'p_limit'

3. In the MUX go to the Projects grid and add the 'Test Limit' attribute to the grid.

4. Click on the Export to CSV button. 


Expected Results:

The export job runs in the background and the CSV file is available for export.


Actual Results:

The export job fails with the notification 'Could not export CSV'

The Job Log and the bg-ca.log contain the errors above.



Remove the string 'limit' from the API Attribute ID of the attribute



Release : 16.1.2


DE70443 - Fix will be included in the 16.1.3 release of Clarity.