Configure Table in Status Report RIC does not honor the column alignments
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Configure Table in Status Report RIC does not honor the column alignments


Article ID: 268249


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS


1. Navigate to Projects - Status tab 
2. Make sure the Status report has one of the RIC
3. In the preview page, click on Configure
4. This will allow the user to configure the RIC individually
5. Click on Configure icon of Issues and this will open 'Configure Table' window for Issues target object
6. Add a few additional columns 
Note: The page does not have a margin to show how many of those attributes will show up in the preview page
7. Click Done and it will take you to the preview page 
8. In the preview page, only a few columns are shown under Issues sections and not all are shown.
9. Click on Done in the preview page
10. Now the system will give the option to align the columns added in the Configure Table screen and all columns added in that page can be aligned to show in Preview page. 

Expected: The alignment stays as is in the page
Actual: There is no option in the page to persist the column alignment. 


Release : 16.1.2


This will be an enhancement request after discussing with Engineering(DE70442).