How can I enable Corba debug automatically on startup - so after patching or any restart no on has to log in and update the Runtime debug configuration
CORBAObjectMonitor@CORBAOBJMON@CORBA Object Monitor@on
These seem to be the settings to be updated - but we cannot determine how to define the Debug level
Release : Any
The debug.module is missing from the web.xml.
The CORBA Debug can be enabled by editing the $SPECROOT/tomcat/webapps/spectrum/WEB-INF/web.xml and adding this to the debug.modules area:
CORBAObjectMonitor@CORBAOBJMON@CORBA Object Monitor@on;
Cycle tomcat
The default level of debug is MAX.
In order to change the default debug level to MIN you need to backup and edit the $SPECROOT/tomcat/webapps/spectrum/debug/debug.jsp file and search for this below entry(it will be at line number 162):
<% int level = DebugLog.getDebugLevel( ); //DebugLog.getDebugLevel() returns MAX by default.
Replace the above line with this:
<% int level = 1; // 1 indicates MIN, so we are forcefully setting the debug level to MIN with this change.
Save the file. No need of tomcat restart. Just clear the contents of $SPECROOT/tomcat/work directory and relaunch the spectrum webpage and the change will be reflected.