Upgrade fails on PPM_INVALID_USER when there is a user/resource duplicate
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Upgrade fails on PPM_INVALID_USER when there is a user/resource duplicate


Article ID: 268238


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Upgrade fails with error:

5/26/23 7:29 AM (ExecTask)    Applying PPM_INVALID_USER.xml
5/26/23 7:29 AM (ExecTask) Error Applying XOG: Failure occurred while applying PPM_INVALID_USER.xml
5/26/23 7:29 AM (ExecTask)  Check D:\ClarityHome\Clarity/logs/xog-seeddata/out/infrastructure\PPM_INVALID_USER_out.xml for errors
5/26/23 7:29 AM (ExecTask) D:\ClarityHome\Clarity\.setup\scripts\db.xml:2685: The following error occurred while executing this line:
5/26/23 7:29 AM (ExecTask) D:\ClarityHome\Clarity\.setup\scripts\db.xml:2901: The following error occurred while executing this line:
5/26/23 7:29 AM (ExecTask) D:\ClarityHome\Clarity\.setup\scripts\db.macros.xml:167: Java returned: 2
5/26/23 7:29 AM (ExecTask)    at org.apache.tools.ant.ProjectHelper.addLocationToBuildException(ProjectHelper.java:568)


Error in out PPM_INVALID_USER_out.xml file:

java.lang.Exception: Resource ppm_invalid_user already associated with another user. Please use an unique resourceId.
            at com.niku.xog.util.XOGContinueHandler.postProcess(XOGContinueHandler.java:38)
            at com.niku.xql2.XQLVisitor.postProcess(XQLVisitor.java:1423)
            at com.niku.union.xml.dom.DOMWalker.postProcess(DOMWalker.java:210)



Release : Any


Caused by a duplicate in SRM_RESOURCES table.


  1. Run the queries to identify the data and duplicates
    • select * from SRM_RESOURCES where  UNIQUE_NAME='ppm_invalid_user' or user_id =-99
    • select * from cmn_sec_users where user_name = 'ppm_invalid_user'
  2. Identify the duplicate, note the ID and match to CMN_SEC_USERS.
  3. If noted a duplicate, we strongly recommend confirming next steps with Broadcom Support.
  4. Working with us, you may have to update the user_id if it was wrongly updated (will depend on data)